injection training arm one year old manikin

One-Year-Old Nursing Care Patient Simulator

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The Mike® and Michelle® one (1) year PEDI® simulator includes an intubate airway, an injection training arm, an intraosseous injection leg and appropriate arterial/venous simulation. This manikin is another must for a well equipped training program.

Product Description
ArticulationRealistic chest cavityInjection training armPulse sites
Fully articulating head, neck, and jaw, permitting head tilt/chin lift, jaw thrust, and neck extension into the “sniffing” position.Realistic internal organs for unparalleled CPR performance.Injection arm for IV, IM, Sub Q and intradermal exercises.Multiple pulse points generated manually using a squeeze bulb.
Airway managementIntraosseous accessNasal intubationBVM with realistic chest rise
Intubatable airway Anatomically accurate airway with cricocartilage permitting intubation, suctioning, and the Sellick maneuverIntraosseous infusion and injection system with realistic tibia bones.Nasal passage permits placement of NP tube.Bilateral lung expansion with realistic chest rise during BVM.


  • Fully articulating head, neck, and jaw, permitting head tilt/chin lift, jaw thrust, and neck extension into the “sniffing” position
  • Anatomically accurate airway with cricocartilage permitting intubation, suctioning, and the Sellick maneuver
  • BVM with realistic chest rise
  • Realistic internal organs for unparalleled CPR performance
  • Realistic mouth, trachea, bronchi, lungs, and distendible stomach
  • Practice gastric suctioning and feeding exercises
  • NG, OG, NP, and OP exercises
  • Injection training arm with numerous venous/arterial sites
  • IV leg
  • Radial, brachial, femoral and posterior tibial pulse sites.
  • Intraosseous infusion and injection system with realistic tibia bones
  • T-shirt and shorts OR diaper and bodysuit (for newborn)
  • Custom nylon carrying bag
  • Instruction manual