    BrewLab® Basic, Water Analysis Kit for Home Brewers

BrewLab® Basic

Water Analysis Kit for Home Brewers

  • To quickly measure the mineral content of water

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The Brewlab® Basic is economical, easy-to-use test kits to quickly measure the mineral content of water and allow the brewer to make informed decisions in the brewing process.

The BrewLab® Basic test kit for home brewers monitors 7 essential water quality factors. Experts agree that the quality of the water that you start with will affect your final product, so take the mystery out of making great tasting beer.

Test for 7 Essential Factors

  • Chloride
  • Sulfate
  • Alkalinity
  • Total Hardness
  • Calcium Hardness
  • Magnesium Hardness
  • Sodium

BrewLab® Basic

Test FactorTest SystemRange# of Tests
ChlorideDirect Reading Titrator1 drop = 10ppm, 25 ppmApprox. 80
SulfateTurbidimetric0-200 ppm sulfate 50
AlkalinityDirect Reading Titrator0-200 ppm (and higher) as CaCO350 at 200 ppm
Total HardnessDirect Reading Titrator0-200 ppm (and higher) as CaCO3 50 at 200 ppm
Calcium HardnessDirect Reading Titrator0-200 ppm (and higher) as CaCO350 at 200 ppm
Magnesium HardnessCalculation ---- ----
SodiumCalculation ---- ----