USB Data Logger

USB Data Logger

Counter, Event and State

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Fast logging rates allow data to be captured at speeds up to twice per second and status changes at speeds up to four times per second

  • Functions as an event logger, state change logger and event counter
  • Logging rate of up to four times per second for events, two times per second for state changes and 100 times per second when counting
  • Stores up to 32,510 readings in event mode
  • Stores up to 32,510 readings in state change mode
  • Stores up to 32,510 timed intervals in event counter mode
  • Accepts input voltages of up to 24V
  • Volt free contacts option (normally open contact only)
  • Rising and falling edge triggering
  • LED flash on event / state change
  • Connection via two screw terminals
  • USB Interface for set-up and data download
  • Supplied with replaceable internal lithium battery, Windows control software and measurement lead


This standalone data logger can record events (detecting an input and storing the time and date),record state changes (similar to an ‘event’ but also recording when the input reverts back to normal) and count events (count the number of events that happen during a timed interval).

Up to 32,510 events or state changes can be recorded and up to 32,510 timed intervals in event counter mode (with 65,536 events in each interval).

Events and state changes can be triggered by either a rising edge (a voltage going from low to high) or falling edge (a voltage going from high to low). It is also possible to use volt free contacts. Instead of measuring an external voltage, the data logger applies a voltage across the screw terminals and detects when the input closes (i.e. a relay or microswitch).

Fast logging rates allow event capturing at speeds of up to two times per second and state changes at speeds of up to four times per second. Event counting can operate at speeds of up to 100 times per second (when the LEDs are turned off). The user can easily set up the logger, and download the stored data by plugging the data logger into a PC’s USB port and running the purpose designed software under Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7. Data can then be graphed, printed and exported to other applications.

The data logger is supplied complete with software, measurement leads terminated with crocodile clips and a long-life lithium battery which allows logging for up to 1 year. Functionality of the unit is indicated by flashing red and green LEDs, with an option to flash the red LED every time an event occurs.


Time between events200  Milliseconds
Time between state changes500  Milliseconds
Time between event counts10*  Milliseconds
Input voltage **3 28V d.c.
'Volt free contacts' voltage ***2.75 3.6V
'Volt free contacts' current 35 μA
Timing accuracy†  ±3Seconds per 24 hours
Operating temperature range-35 (-31) +80 (176)°C (°F)
1/2AA 3.6V Lithium Battery Life‡   Years

* 10 milliseconds can only be achieved with the LEDs disabled. If the LEDs are enabled, the time between the event counts is reduced to 50 milliseconds
** see ‘Voltage input range’ section for details
*** Voltage will decrease as battery is discharged
† Per day at 20ºC
‡ Assuming 1 event every 5 mins at 20ºC in Voltage input mode


EL-WIN-USB (Control Software)

Lascar’s EasyLog USB control software is supplied free of charge with each data logger. Easy to install and use, the control software runs under Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7. The software is used to set-up the data logger as well as download, graph and export data to Excel.

The software allows the following parameters to be configured:

  • Logger name
  • Record events, record state changes or count events
  • Triggering on rising of falling edges
    (see ‘Edge Triggering’ section)
  • Voltage or Volt free contact triggering
  • Flash LED on event/state change
  • Voltage range
  • Time period for event counting (i.e count the number of events every 10s). Maximum number of events per time period is limited to 65,000.


LED Flashing Modes

Green single flash (10 seconds)
Normal logging

Green single flash (20 seconds)
Low battery

Green double flash (20 seconds)
Data logger memory full

Red single flash
Event / State change / Count recorded


Voltage Input Range

The logger features a selectable voltage input range, which allows the logger to operate with a wide variety of system. Each input range has a different high and low ‘trigger voltage’ (i.e the voltage at which the logger considers a signal to be high or low).

Voltage rangeLow trigger volatgeHigh trigger voltage
0 - 3V0.8V2V
0- 5V1.3V3.4V
0 - 12V3.2V8V
0 - 24V6.4V16V


Edge Triggering

If the user selects ‘rising edge’ triggering, then an event is recorded at the point a signal goes from low to high. This is the default setting.

If the user selects "falling edge" triggering, then an event is recorded at the point a signal goes from high to low.


Battery Replacement

We recommend that you replace the battery every 12 months, or prior to logging critical data.

The EL-USB-5 does not lose its stored readings when the battery is discharged or when the battery is replaced; however, the data logging process will be stopped and cannot be re-started until the battery has been replaced and the logged data has been downloaded to PC.

Only use 3.6V 1/2AA lithum batteries. Check with your supplier that the battery you are ordering is ‘press fit’ and is not fitted with solder tags. Before replacing the battery, remove the EL-USB-5 from the PC.

Leaving the EL-USB-5 plugged into the USB port for longer than necessary will cause some of the battery capacity to be lost.

Handle lithium batteries carefully, observe warnings on battery casing. Dispose of in accordance with local regulations



All dimensions in mm (inches)


Ordering Informations

Each EL-USB data logger features the direct-to-USB connection and easy-to-use functionality that the range is known for. The range comprises of the data loggers as detailed in the following table:

Part No.FunctionRangeAccuracy
(overall error)
ReadingsBatteryBattery Life*
EL-USB-1Temperature-35 to +80°C (-31 to +176°F)±1ºC (±2ºF) 16,3823.6V ½ AA1 Year
EL-USB-1-PROHigh Temperature-40 to +125°C (-40 to +257°F)±0.2ºC (±0.4ºF)±0.5ºC (±1ºF)32,5103.6V ½ AA3 years
EL-USB-1-RCGTemperature with rechargeable battery-20 to +60°C (-4 to +140°F)±1ºC (±2ºF) 32,510Lithium Ion1 months (rechargeable)
EL-USB-2Temperature, humidityand dew point

-35 to +80°C (-31 to +176°F)
0 to 100%RH

±0.5ºC (±1ºF)

±2ºC (±4ºF)

16,3823.6V ½ AA1 year
EL-USB-2+Increased accuracy temperature, humidity & dew point

-35 to +80°C (-31 to +176°F)
0 to 100%RH

±0.3ºC (±0.6ºF)

±1.5ºC (±3ºF)

16,3823.6V ½ AA1 year
EL-USB-2-LCDTemperature, humidity & dew point with LCD

-35 to +80°C (-31 to +176°F)
0 to 100%RH

±0.5ºC (±1ºF)

±2ºC (±4ºF)

16,3793.6V ½ AA1 year
EL-USB-2-LCD+Increased accuracy temperature, humidity & dewpoint with LCD

-35 to +80°C (-31 to +176°F)
0 to 100%RH

±0.3ºC (±0.6ºF)

±1.5ºC (±3ºF)

16,3793.6V ½ AA1 year
EL-USB-3Voltage0 to 30V d.c.±1% 32,5103.6V ½ AA1 year
EL-USB-4Current loop4 to 20mA±1% 32,5103.6V ½ AA1 year
EL-USB-5Counter, Event & StateN/A ±3 secs/24 hrs32,5103.6V ½ AA1 year
EL-USB-TCThermocouple (J, K and T-type) K-type probe included-200 to +1350ºC (-328 to +2462ºF) (K-type)

-200 to +1190ºC (-328 to +2174ºF) (J-type)

-200 to +390ºC (-328 to +734ºF) (T-type)
±1ºC (±2ºF) 32,5103.6V ½ AA6 months
EL-USB-TC-LCDThermocouple with LCD
(J, K and T-type) K-type probe included

-200 to +1350ºC (-328 to +2462ºF) (K-type)

- 200 to +1190ºC (-328 to +2174ºF) (J-type)

-200 to +390ºC (-328 to +734ºF) (T-type)

±1ºC (±2ºF) 32,5103.6V ½ AA6 months
EL-USB-COCarbon monoxide0 to 1000ppm
±6ppm 32,5103.6V ½ AA3 months
EL-USB-CO300Carbon monoxide0 to 300ppm
±4ppm 32,5103.6V ½ AA3 months
EL-USB-LITELow cost temperature-10°C to +50°C (+14 to +122°F)±1ºC (±2ºF) 4,080

Lithium coin cell

1 months
EL-USB-RTReal-time temperature & humidity monitor-20 to +70°C (-4 to +158°F)

±1.5ºC (±3ºF)

 7 daysN/AN/A
* Depending on logging rate, ambient temperature, and use of alarm LED.