Battery Backpack ElectrofisherBattery Backpack ElectrofisherBattery Backpack Electrofisher

Battery Backpack Electrofisher

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HT-2000 Battery Backpack Electrofisher

We have been asking a lot of questions and doing a lot of listening. Finally, an affordable solution for Electrofishing. The HT-2000 meets and exceeds all aspects of the Electrofishing Guidelines. Battery and electrical circuits are contained in a hermetically sealed, rugged waterproof case, integrated on our non-conductive and comfortable pack frame. Our unique telescoping anode pole with crutchstyle handle allows hours of fatigue free use ... even in strong current !

Safety Features

  • Emergency Off Switch - Disables the Unit
  • Red Strobe Light "Power On" Alarm
  • Audible "Power On" Alarm
  • Water Immersion Power Off
  • Waterproof Internal Battery Storage
  • Anode Pole Operator Thumb Switch
  • Electrode Out of Water Shut Off
  • Emergency Shut-Off Switch on Pulsator Unit (ESO)
  • Non-Conductive, Light-weight Backpack Frame
  • Military Style Quick Release Shoulder Harness

HT-2000 Battery Backpack Electro-Fisher Kit (#77520)

(includes telescoping anode pole, cathode, 2 batteries, charger & Aluminum field case)

Conductivity Range10 -1500 microsiemens/cm
Battery24 volt gell type (12V + 12V)
Output Voltage50 - 950 V in 11 steps (50, 100, 150, 250, 350, 450, 550, 650, 750, 950V)
Output Power2kW (2000W) 2ms pulsed
Output Frequency5 - 250 Hz in 11 steps (5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 130, 160, 200, 250 Hz)
WeightApproximately 29 lbs
Overload ProtectionAutomatic Electronic, and 30A safety fuse
ElectrodesTelescoping anode pole (fits into field box),Stainless Steel trailing Cathode
Timer6 digit crystal controlled second counter
Multifunction MeterMean Current [A] (xx.x display)
Peak Power [W] (xxxx display)
Battery Voltage [V] (xx.x display)
Front PanelCharging Battery without disconnecting it from unit