Precipitation Gauge

Precipitation Gauge

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TheT-200 precipitation gauge was developed more that 25 years ago for all weather precipitation monitoring.

It was designed in cooperation with the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. Precipitation can be reported at real-time intensity to any interval required.The precipitation gauge is simple to configure for use with automatic data acquisition units. The standardT-200B has a 600 mm capacity and one vibrating wire sensor. 1000mm capacity and three sensors are options. The gauge has a protective housing with aWMO standard 200 cm2 inlet. Inside there is a container for collecting the precipitation.The amount of precipitation is measured by using vibrating wire load sensors.The instrument as well as a wind shield is mounted to the pedestal. With the use of antifreeze any solid precipitation is melted in the container. No electrical heating is therefore required, thus eliminating a common source of error. A thin layer of oil is added to impede any evaporation.


TheT-200 series precipitation gauges
are used world wide by:

National weather services Climatic research institutes Hydro power companies Airport authorities 

Road authorities Agricultural services Avalanche prediction centres Winter sport resorts

Measuring principle

The precipitation collected in the container are weighed with a vibrating wire load sensor, which gives a frequency output.The frequency will be a function of the applied tension on the wire, i.e. from this, the amount of precipitation can be computed. The frequency is recorded as a square-shaped 0-5 V signal.This signal can easily be transmitted and interfaced to most data acquisition systems.There are no mechanical moving parts, eliminating other possible sources of error. Because of its simplicity and low power requirement, theT-200B is well suited for remote locations where power may only be available from solar energy. Geonor supplies interface adaptor for use with automatic data acquisition units. Output: 0-5V square wave.


A version of theT-200B with 1500 mm capacity will be available in 2009.The design will make it possible to retrofit existingT-200B units with the larger capacity.

Using a 3 sensor system ensures the continuation of data recording if one of the sensors should fail.This is made possible with a level retaining device. It also ensures that the total amount of the precipitation will be measured even if there is a slight deviation from the horizontal plane. Standard single sensor units can easily be upgraded to 3 sensor systems.

The standardT-200B comes with anodized housing and black inlet. The housing, including the inlet, is also available in white.


Easy access windshield hinges

Two hinges on the circumference of the windshield make it possible to raise half of the shield to give clear access to the gauge during servicing and maintenance. Hinges can be installed on existing windshields.

Inlet heater system

To prevent capping of the inlet, Geonor can provide inlet heating.The system to be used is dependent on power supply available.

Technical Specifications T200B

Capacity:(including antifreeze)600 mm1000 mm1500 mmTemperature range:Sensor: -40°C to 60°C
Colleting area:200 cm²200 cm²200 cm²Temperature drift:0.001% FS/°C
Sensitivity:0.05 mm0.075 mm0.1 mmMaterials:Aluminum alloy
Accuracy:0.1% FS0.1% FS0.1% FSSize:
  • Ø=390mm, H=760mm (600mm version)
  • Ø=390mm, H=800mm (1000mm version)
  • Ø=390mm, H=1000mm (1500mm version)
Repeatability:0.1 mm0.1 mm0.15 mmMounting:Universal 3-point with leveling
system incorporated in base


Order references
Part No. SystemPart No. Equipment
T-200BPrecipitation gauge,
600 mm, one sensor
470250Windshield with stainless steel blades
470400 Pedestal, galvanized steel 1 m high
470450 Pedestal, galvanized steel 2.5 m high
470260 Easy access windshield hinges
M1000 mm capacity455060 Excitation units for data loggers, rail mounting
MD1500 mm capacity470600 Sensor 600 mm with level retaining device
33 sensor system471000 Sensor 1000 mm with level retaining device
WWhite housing471500 Sensor 1500 mm with level retaining device