Magnetic Flowmeter

Magnetic Flowmeter

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The WMX101-Series flanged magnetic flow meters are the perfect replacement for your old industrial mechanical turbine or propeller flow meters

Because they have no rotor to stop turning or bearings to wear out the WMX industrial magnetic flow meters are virtually maintenance-free, especially in applications where debris or sand would foul most industrial mechanical flowmeters. WMX101-Series flanged magnetic flow meters are also designed work with minimal straight pipe run requirements, which is great when you have very little space between the meter and an elbow.

The WMX101-Series flanged magnetic flow meters’ electronics are housed in a rugged NEMA 4X aluminum enclosure with a 2-line LCD that clearly displays the flow rate and totalizer. The WMX industrial magnetic flow meters have a solid state pulse output that allows connection to a variety of devices such as a FT420 remote display, PLC, telemetry system or data logger. A pulse-to-analog converter can be added if a 4-20 mA signal is needed from the magnetic flow meter. The WMX101 industrial magnetic flow meters are externally powered from a 12-24 VDC power supply, and their low power requirements make them ideal for solar powered applications. A shielded power/pulse output cable with DIN connection is included with the magnetic flow meter. The industrial magnetic flow meters' display housing is fitted with tamper-evident features.

The display units of the standard WMX magnetic flow meter models listed below are in US Gallons and cannot be changed in the field. However, you may request one of the following available flow meter displays: Rate: MGD, CFM, Liters/Minute; Total: Cubic Feet, Cubic Meters, Megaliters.



Pipe Sizes 4", 6", 8", 10"
Flow Range 4" 12-500 GPM
6" 32-1200 GPM
8" 60-2200 GPM
10" 95-3500 GPM
Flanges AWWA 150 lb. drilling
Pressure 150 PSI working pressure
Temperature Range10º F to 130º F (-12º C to 55º C)
Accuracy +1% at 100% to 10% of reading
+2% at 10% of reading to cut off
Materials Body: Welded steel, epoxy powder coated
Liner: HDPE
Electronics Housing: Die cast aluminum, powder coated
Electrodes: 316 stainless steel
Rate Display 6-digits in units of GPM (standard),MGD, Liters/minute, CFM
Totalizer Display8-digits in units of Gallons x 1000, CU Feet, CU Meters, Megaliters
Power  101: 12-24 VDC, 30 mA
104: 2 Lithium 3.6V “D” batteries, replaceable, 3 year life
Output Signal Current sinking pulse, opto-isolated, 24 VDC, 10 mA max
Empty Pipe Detection Hardware/software, conductivity-based
Environmental  NEMA 4X standard, (optional short-term immersible)
