Data Shuttle

Data Shuttle

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Transport weather data from your 2000 Series Stations or 1000 Series Micro Stations to your host PC.

Product features

  • Transport your weather data and bring back to your host PC. Memory holds data from up to 8 full 2000 Series Mini Stations or 5 full Weather Stations. Use with Spec 9 software to offload to your desktop PC.
  • Fail-safe, nonvolatile EEPROM memory provides added dependability and convenience.
  • To be used with the 2000 Series Weather and Mini Stations, and the 1000 Series Micro Stations.
  • Includes soft-sided case (also available separately, Item 7500)
SoftwareSpec8 Pro or greater; Spec 9 Pro 9.02 Build 0223 or greater for use with WatchDog 1000 Series Loggers.
CompatibilityThe WatchDog 1000/2000 Data Shuttle performs the following functions:
  • Offloads data from WatchDog 1000 and 2000 Loggers, Mini Stations, and Weather Stations in the field.
  • Checks battery status and alerts the user if the station/logger batteries need to be replaced.
  • If necessary, corrects the station/logger’s time-of-day clock.
  • Communicates with SpecWare to transfer the offloaded data to the PC.
CapacityCan hold the maximum amount of data from 5 WatchDog 2000 Series Weather Stations, 10 Mini Stations, or 12 Loggers. Because it holds only the new data from any logger or station, it will hold data from up to 25 loggers or stations.
SpeedOffloads the maximum amount of data from a WatchDog 2000
Series Weather Station in approximately 22 minutes (depending on the number of sensors in use). Partial offloads complete proportionately faster.
Battery1 user-replaceable 9V alkaline battery. Battery life is about 6 months at idle. The battery is consumed at a greater rate while reading and writing. A battery can process approximately 10 full shuttles. As a rule of thumb, if the Data Shuttle display reads “30% FULL”, then 3% of he projected battery life will have been consumed in transferring that data from the logger/station and to the PC.