Soil Compaction MeterSoil Compaction Meter

Soil Compaction Meter

  • 1/2" and 3/4" conical tip included
  • Takes compaction measurements to a depth of 45 cm (18 in.)
  • Unique ultrasonic depth sensor that captures readings in 1" (2.5 cm) increments.

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Improve your yield potential by locating and monitoring soil compaction 

Help make decisions regarding areas of the field that require tillage, changes to crop rotation, and planting of cover crops

  • Includes 1/2 in and 3/4 in cone tip
  • Takes compaction readings to a depth of 18 in (45 cm)
  • Exclusive ultrasonic depth sensor captures readings in 1 in (2.5 cm) increments
  • Penetration resistance measured by internal load cell
  • Compaction data is displayed in PSI or kPa (1 psi = 6.9 kPa)
  • Connects to any GPS receiver with serial output option*
  • Equipped with internal data logger and RS-232 port
  • Records 772 measurements (579 with added GPS/DGPS option)
  • Configure and download meter with FieldScout® software and USB-to-3.5mm-Stereo-Plug Adapther (Item 3661U.(included)**
  • Compatible with SpecMaps online web-mapping application
  • Includes carrying case and depth target

NEW FEATURES ADDED IN 2012 - The SC 900 meter now includes the brand new 3/4" cone tip, as well as improved handling of insertion errors. The 3/4" tip is appropriate for coarse soils. These new features took effect with units shipped after January 1, 2012. Meters acquired prior to 2012 can be upgraded by purchasing the SC900 Upgrade Package (Item #6110FSUP, see purchase table above). The upgrade includes a microcontroller chip with updated firmware, a 3/4" cone tip, new depth target, and updated User's Manual. 

* GPS interface requires two cables. The GPS/DGPS cable (Item 2950CV5) is available from Spectrum. A PC serial interface cable supplied by the manufacturer of the GPS receiver is also required.

** PC cable connects to a computer USB port

Measurement Units:

Cone Index (PSI or kPa)


1 in (2.5 cm),5 PSI (35 kPa)


± 0.5 in (1.25 cm) Depth, ±15 PSI (103 kPa) Pressure


0 to18 in (0 to 45 cm),0 to 1,000 PSI (0 to 7,000 kPa)


4 AAA alkaline batteries; approximately 12-month life

Data Logger Capacity:

772 profiles without GPS; 579 profiles with GPS