Anemometer Recorder SD Card

Anemometer Recorder SD Card

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Records data onto removable SD Cards

Reads air velocity and temperature and functions as a type K or J thermometer. Records data onto standard SD memory card (like a digital camera). When full, simply exchange SD cards for unlimited data storage. The removable SD card is easy to transport and insert into a computer’s memory card slot or SD card adaptor. Uploads pre-formatted data to Excel, without the need for additional software and cables. Additional SD cards are readily available in a variety of memory sizes. Can also stream data directly to a computer using the optional software and cables. Each data set includes air speed, air temperature, time and date. Features min/max, auto power off, low battery indicator and hold function. This well made unit is extremely accurate with fast response times, and includes a fold-out tripod and large, easy-to-read backlit LCD. Comes ready to use in a soft carrying case complete with a detachable probe, 6 AA batteries, instruction manual and a 2GB SD card. 

Dim: 7” x 2 ¾” x 2” (177 x 68 x 45 mm). Weight: 1lb (489g).


Ft/min79 ~ 6890±(2%+40 FPM) rdg
Km/h 1.4 ~ 1260.1 ±(2%+0.8 Km/h) rdg
mph 0.9 ~ 78.3±(2%+0.4 mph) rdg
Knots 0.8 ~ 68 ±(2%+0.4 Knots) rdg
m/S 0.4 ~ 30 ±(2%+0.2 m/S) rdg
Type K-58 ~ 2372ºF± (0.4% + 1ºC ) fs.
± (0.4% + 1.8ºF) fs
-50 ~ 1300ºC
Type J-58 ~ 2192ºF
-50 ~ 1200ºC

Ordering Informations

Cat. No.Description
Anemometer SD Card Logger
Type K Thermocouple Probes
RS232 Computer Cable
2GB SD Card
Water Resistant Instrument Pouch
Field Tripod
USB Computer Cable
AC Adaptor