thermocouple thermometer type k probethermocouple thermometer type k probethermocouple thermometer type k probethermocouple thermometer type k probe

Datalogging Thermometer

  • 4-channel
  • Hi / Lo Alarms
  • Ice Point calibration
  • 295.00 $ CAD

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Why buy from Geneq? - find out more

This unique portable thermometer displays data from 4 K, J, E, or T type thermocouple probes simultaneously on a large multi-line and back-lit LCD

Fast response with high accuracy. Automatically record and store up to 16,000 data points on each of the 4 channels in the field which can later be downloaded to your computer. You may also manually record 99 data points directly from the keypad or log real-time data directly to your computer. Communicates with the computer using a bi-directional USB port including cable, and graphic software. User adjustable auto power off timer and audible and visible Hi/Lo alarms. Calibrate to ice point or any other calibration standard. Min/max/avg, hold and ∆ (T1-T2),fold-out easel back. Comes ready to use in a protective foam-lined case, with 4 x AAA batteries, 2 beaded Type K wire probes, USB computer power cable, and software. N.I.S.T. Traceable certificate of compliance available.

Simultaneously display 4 channels

  • Hi / Lo Alarms
  • Ice Point Calibration
  • Δ (T1-T2)
  • Min / Max / Ave
  • K, J, E, or T

5 Year Warranty, CE


7¼" × 2½" × 1¼" (184 × 75 × 29 mm)


10 oz (290 g)

Standards - Available with Certification

Certificate of Compliance Traceable to N.I.S.T. 

Specifies that the standards against which the product has been certified or calibrated were themselves calibrated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (N.I.S.T.),or with N.I.S.T. calibrated equipment under conditions specified by N.I.S.T. 

TypeRangeResolutionAccuracy (excluding probe error)
K-328 to 2501°F
-200 to 1372°C
0.1°F < 1000°F
1°F ≥ 1000°F

0.1°C < 600°C
1°C ≥ 600°C
At ambient temperature of 
64 to 82°F (18 to 28°C) 
± (0.1% of reading + 1.4°F)
± (0.1% of reading + 0.7°C)
J-328 to 1832°F
-200 to 1000°C
E-328 to 1382°F
-200 to 750 °C
Below -148°F (-100°C)
± (0.4% of reading + 1.4°F)
± (0.4% of reading + 0.7°C)
T-328 to 752°F
-200 to 400°C