pH Electrode ROSS Ultra pH Electrode

pH Electrode

  • pH Range: 0 to 14
  • Precision: 0.01
  • Connector: WP- waterproof BNC

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Precisely conduct pH determinations with the top performance, epoxy body combination Thermo Scientific Orion 8135BNUWP ROSS Ultra pH Electrode.

Its convenient flat surface tip measures pH in soft, moist solid, and semi-solid surfaces and small samples in the micro-sample dishes.


1-meter cable


  • pH buffers(pH 7 ±1 to 3 pH units),beakers, plastic or glass
  • A magnetic stirrer or Orion stirrer probe
  • Distilled or deionized water

Compatible with

BNWP connector is compatible with any standard BNC connector both on Thermo Scientific™ Orion Star™ Series meters and competitive meter models.

Recommended for

Measuring pH of soft, moist surfaces both solid and semi-solid such as agar gel plates, meats, bread dough and similar samples

All Thermo Orion electrodes are available on request.

Item DescriptionFlat surface tip epoxy body combination electrode; 20 x 12mm
pH Range0 to 14
Operating Temperature32° to 212°F
0° to 100°C
JunctionGlass Fiber
Filling Solution Type3M KCl
Connector TypesWP- waterproof BNC
Internal ReferenceROSS
Cable Length39 in.
Warranty2 years