Horizontal Water Sampling Bottle

Horizontal Water Sampling Bottle

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  • Blue seals of durable, flexible, high-grade polyurethane resin with attached safety line
  • Foolproof 316 SS trip head for durability
  • Kits include bottle, plastic carry case, 45-B10 messenger & 62-C15 line (100 ft.)
  • Bottles only & bottles with cases available

Intended for shallow or deep waters, these bottles are called “horizontal” because they descend horizontally, parallel to the bottom and are pulled sideways to close. This ensures a representative water sample for that specific depth. They are ideal, however, for sampling at the thermocline, at other stratification levels, or just above the bottom sediments.

These popular and versatile bottles come in your choice of transparent acrylic or opaque PVC. PVC is more durable and less costly, but the acrylic allows you to view the bottle contents immediately. This sampler requires a messenger and line (not included, except in kits) for operation.


Cat. No.Description
1120-G42Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal Acrylic: Complete kit, 2.2L, transparent acrylic
1120-G45Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal Acrylic: Water sampler only , 2.2L, Transparent acrylic
1120-H42Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal PVC: Complete kit, 2.2L, Opaque PVC
1120-H45Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal PVC: Water sampler only, 2.2L, Opaque PVC
1130-G42Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal Acrylic: Complete kit, 3.2L, transparent acrylic
1130-G45Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal Acrylic: Water sampler only, 3.2L, transparent acrylic
1130-H42Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal PVC: Complete kit, 3.2L, Opaque PVC
1130-H45Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal PVC: Water sampler only, 3.2L, Opaque PVC
1140-G42Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal Acrylic: Complete kit, 4.2L, transparent acrylic
1140-G45Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal Acrylic: Water sampler only, 4.2L, transparent acrylic
1140-H42Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal PVC: Complete kit, 4.2L, Opaque PVC
1140-H45Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal PVC: Water sampler only, 4.2L, Opaque PVC
1160-G42Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal Acrylic: Complete kit, 6.2L, transparent acrylic
1160-G45Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal Acrylic: Water sampler only , 6.2L, Transparent acrylic
1180-G42Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal Acrylic: Complete kit, 8.2L, transparent acrylic
1180-G45Alpha Water Samplers, Horizontal Acrylic: Water sampler only, 8.2L, transparent acrylic